SPACE - Library 1 - Volume 1.iso
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92 lines
XREF2.BAS - A cross-reference utility for GFA Basic, written by
Don Edwards
Given a GFA-BASIC program listing (use the SAVE,A function in
the editor), for example XREF.LST, it will produce a line-numbered
listing (XREF.LNM for this example, unless you specify something
else) and a cross-reference file (XREF.XRF), both on disk.
The .LNM file is just like the .LST file, except it has a
line number adding 5 characters to the front of each line. The
.XRF file is formatted as a report, with the variable / procedure
/ label name in the first 20 characters of one line and line
numbers in positions 21-60 of as many lines as needed.
Operation: I like fileselector boxes. So when you run the
program, you will be given a fileselector box and asked to pick
out a .LST file to process. (Checking CANCEL will terminate the
program.) Once that is done, two more fileselectors let you change
the .LNM and .XRF files if you like.
Finally, a FOURTH file selector asks you to identify the
DRIVE (and folder, if you like) for temporary files. In this box,
the drive and folder are the only things that matter - a filename
given will be ignored, and in fact you don't have to give a
filename at all! (Just click the OK box.)
I strongly encourage you to put the temporary files on a hard
disk or RAMdisk, this program is slow enough anyway. (If you like
it but think it's too slow, I accept donations to my computer fund
:-> )
Once that is done, it prints the names of 4 temporary files
(not that you really care, it erases them when it's done) and goes
to work. Expect messages from the following stages:
Reading the source
Formatting the report
And then it's done! (But don't hold your breath.)
Hacker's notes:
The "reading the source" stage has several things you may
find interesting. There is, of course, a stripped-down parser to
keep track of the current line as it identifies and gathers words,
but throws away numbers, quoted strings, and other things. You may
want to take a look at the character-input routine, which uses a
10K buffer, and the "skip-the-rest-of-the-line" routine (used for
remarks and data statements) which has to cooperate with that
Once a word is identified, it may be a BASIC keyword which we
don't want to include in the cross-reference. A list of BASIC
keywords is included into the program (in DATA statements, but
it's read into an array) and a binary search is used to quickly
look through the nearly 250 entries.
The XREF program listing comes out with nearly 500
references, and there are larger programs. So the references are
written to a temporary file, and the sort phase is a 2-way merge.
This is a useful sorting technique for large files; sort temporary
files (including the final output file) typically take a bit over
twice as much space as the input. In this case, the input can be
discarded after the first sort pass. For the theoretically
inclined, a merge sort is among those which achieve theoretical
peak performance - in practical terms, a 3-, 4- or more-way merge
would be faster (as it would also be if the program kept more than
two records in memory at one time) but would also be harder to
The only fancy thing about the combining stage is that the
line numbers, treated as numbers in the sort, are treated as
strings and concatenated together with intervening spaces.
The report phase is worth a bit of attention for those who
haven't written reports (I've written too many, mostly in Cobol -
blech!). An interesting touch is how the concatenated line numbers
are spread out to be right-justified in 5-column fields. An
indicator points to the leftmost digit of the number; from there
Ie search for a space (or the end of the string), find the length,
and use the VAL function to extract the number for a PRINT USING.
Then the indicator is advanced.
Nothing really fancy, just a lot of nitpicking details that
have to all be right.